In A Violent Nature Review
Slasher films have a distinct formula and we all know what to expect from them. But the team behind In A Violent Nature is trying to change that.
During the Seattle International Film Festival, we were able to catch a screening of In A Violent Nature, the slasher narrative told from the viewpoint of the killer (for the most part).
Chris Nash, the writer and director of In A Violent Nature, has a special effects background according to his IMDB and it's very evident throughout the film as that is what they primary focus of this slasher is. With the over the top practical effects, this movie is a walking advertisement for horror movie effects.
In A Violent Nature follows Johnny as he treks through the woods determined to get back something that was stolen from him. And his victims are the people who took it. With very clear influences from 80s slashers, especially Friday the 13th, Johnny is driven by an unknown force that will stop at nothing until his mission is complete.

Photo Credit: Low Sky Productions
While In A Violent Nature is original and something we have never seen in the genre, it isn't perfect. We spend a lot of time with Johnny just walking through the woods to get to his next victim with ambient sounds that are borderline overwhelming. So much so that it affected the overall pacing of the film. That struggle is felt in various scenes that just seem to go on for way too long.
And the dialogue, where there is dialogue- is bad. Although we don't spend much time with the other characters in this film, the time we do spend is not all that enjoyable because of that factor. The pacing comes back into play when there's a complete halt as we sit circling the group of teens giving us Johnny's backstory over a fire in the darkness which comes off as empty and quite pointless as we'd already gathered much of the story already.
With the killer POV, some of the scenes where Johnny is coming onto a scene where the other characters are talking or doing something else come across as creative and something we'd definitely like to see more of in this style of film.
If you aren't living under a rock, you've probably heard that there is one gnarly kill in this movie. And there is. It's amazing. But the other kills are very lackluster in comparison. We're left wondering why Johnny is such a savage in some kills but not the others. There are still some good kills, it's just not the overwhelming mayhem we were expecting.
But what In A Violent Nature gets right are the ridiculous tropes that are put on display. From the victim running and falling, of course, to a group of unruly teens staying in a cabin in the woods, you can't help but laugh at the hilarity of it all. Also worth noting is there aren't any cheap jump scares with loud music or sounds, no unnecessary tension that leads to nothing. Nash serves up a villain worthy of being feared. Johnny is a force and he doesn't care about anything but getting back what was taken from him.
Fans of classic slashers who are in it for the blood and gore might like this one, if the all the walking and bad dialogue isn't a hindrance. In A Violent Nature isn't a home run, but it is a fun watch and it's clear that Nash has a deep love for the horror genre.